Functional Capacity

Functional Capacity Evaluation

The Fired-Up Group are Workhab accredited Functional Capacity Evaluators.

The purpose of the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is to complete a thorough assessment of your workers current medical and functional status and, in most instances compare their capability to the inherent requirements of their employment.

These assessments can be highly complex and as such the Fired-Up Group only use the world’s most highly researched standardised system (Workhab). With each assessment following a set protocol which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Review of all medical documentation;
  • Worker Interview;
  • Functional Evaluation including dynamic and non-dynamic physical tasks;
  • Provide evidence-based questionnaires regarding the Claimant’s status;
  • Implement customised tests to match tasks required in the workplace to ensure reality-based assessment; and
  • Provide a comprehensive report detailing the findings and the validity of the testing.• Recommendations may or may not be made depending on the brief.
  • The reports are also matched to the workers reported capability as stated by their treating practitioners.

The Fired-Up Group believe this is the best system to allow you to make decisions regarding the welfare of your employees.


Over 20 years’ experience helping a variety of industry and sectors including:

Law Firms

Insurance Companies


Solve your Injury Management and Business problems.

Contact or Call now to talk about your needs 0422 902 282